beckn foundation completes 2 years

beckn as an idea was brought to life in july 2019 and what started a vision to transform the world for digital commerce, gave way to boosting the industry landscape.
the beckn foundation, a nudge towards making the vision of beckn a success, got incorporated on september 13, 2019 and today marks its two-year anniversary!
watch our video presentation, commemorating the journey of beckn that has been nothing short of extraordinary, with regards to the impact its having, surely on the path of becoming a phenomenon.
the last 2 years have been nothing short of exemplary, in terms of the ebbs and flows that we’ve sailed through. we took a giant leap of faith with beckn as an idea, which has now reached milestones that are already transforming the world of digital commerce. and we’re just getting started! beckn is a collective movement, which gets bigger and better with more of you believing in us.
to all those who were and have been a part of this journey, we share our gratitude. and to all those, who will join us to create more milestones, let’s roll!